- #32541, Dasan Hall of Economics, Humantites and Social Sciences Campus (Seoul)
- Tel: +82-2-740-1782/ E-mail: skkuaai@skku.edu
- https://sco.skku.edu/sco/index.do
The goal of education
Data Science Convergence Major
"Training the world's best data analysis/ utilization experts"
- Efficiently uses computer tools, extracts generalized knowledge from data through appropriate statistical and analysis methods and is meaningful. Discover information and induce new value creation.
- New branding focuses on technology, industry, and work environment changes following the 4th Industrial Revolution nad the overall data ecosystem.(Tranining data experts who can solve creation, collection, analysis, utilization, distribution, and storage problems.)
- Meet the growing demand for data experts and meet new global market opportunities due to the explosive global data volume. Cultivating the ability to collect, analyze, and utilize data to preoccupy.
Artificial Intelligence Convergence Major
"Training global artificial intelligence experts with creative thinking and uitilization skills"
- In September 2019, the major was established at Sungkyunkwan University Humanities and industries organically participate in the curriculum and major basic edcuation. Conduct education emphasized the industry's technology demand and practice, and research focused on actual use of it.
Explicit goal
- Fostering social probelm - solving talents with the personality of humanity.
- Training talent with understanding and problem-solving skills in the era of big data/artificial intelligence.
- Fostering creative talents who combine software and problem analysis, data utilization, and application skills.
Culture & Technology Convergence Major
“Convergence to foster content experts”
- Culture & Technology Convergence Major aims to be a content program and a platform program to contain content simultaneously
- As much as creating content through education, creating content through collaboration with industries is important. Culture & Technology Convergence Major takes advantage of the geographical advantage of this school called Daehak-Road, so students and creators are free to do so. We want to be a platform where we can experiment and create different content.