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Department of Artificial Intelligence

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
AIM5011 Numerical Analysis for AI 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
Thegoalofthiscourseistoenablestudentswithlittleornoprogrammingbackgroundtosolvecommoncomputationalproblemsinartificial intelligence.Matlaband/orPythonprogrammingwillbecovered,togetherwithbasicprinciplesofcomputerarchitectureandarithmetic.Basicnumericaltechniquesinnumericaldifferentiation,integration,linearalgebra,differentialequations,andstatistics,arecoveredandappliedtomathematical analysis in artificial intelligence field.Emphasiswillbeplacedonenablingstudentstousecurrentlyavailablenumericalmethodstosolveengineeringproblems.
AIM5012 Optimization Theory and applications 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
AIM5013 Theory of Probability and Random Process 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
Theaimofthiscourseistodevelopathoroughunderstandingoftheprinciplesofrandomprocessesandknowledgeofapplyingthemtosomeimportant problems.First,thebasictheoryinprobabilityandrandomprocessisintroduced,payingparticularattentiontothemultivariateGaussiandensityfunction.Then,thetheoryofrandomprocessesandtheircharacterizationbyautocorrelationandpowerspectraldensityfunctionsisdeveloped.Thetheoryisthenappliedtothedesignofoptimumlinearsystems.
AIM5014 Theory of Digital Integrated Circuit Design 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
This coursecoversstructuresandoperationalprinciplesofCMOStransistorsanddigitalcitcuits(INV,NAND,NOR,LATCH,CurrentMirror),computationofsizinganddelays,FlashA/Dconverter.
AIM5015 Theory of Embedded Systems 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
AIM5016 Advanced Computer Architectures 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
AIM5017 NPU Design 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
Recently, the development of artificial intelligence technology has increased the necessity of highly efficient neural network processor, and neural processing unit (NPU) can be implemented as standalone single chip or multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC). In this course, basic knowledge of integrated circuit, semiconductor technology, and computer architecture is included and oriented to high efficiency NPU design methodology optimized in performance, area, and power efficiency according to the evolution of artificial intelligence technology.
AIM5018 Theory of Analog IC Design 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
AIM5019 Theory of Speech Recognition 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
AIM5020 Theory of Computer Vision 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Korean Yes
AIM5021 Natural Language Processing Theory and applications 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Korean Yes
AIM5022 Information Retrieval Theory 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
Information Retrieval (IR) includes the theory and practical techniques for search engines. In this course, we will cover the models and methods for representing, indexing, searching, browsing, and summarizing information in response to a person's information need. In addition, we will deal with recent advances in neural information retrieval models.
AIM5023 Data Mining Theory and applications 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
Data mining is the process of discovering interesting patterns and relationships in massive data sets. This graduate course will focus on discussing the state-of-the-art data mining techniques which are recently published works at top-tier conferences. Not only the traditional data mining techniques which are basically designed to handle structured data but also more advanced tools/methods for handling unstructured data (e.g., graphs, images, and texts) will be discussed.
AIM5024 Recommendation Systems 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
A recommendation system is the information filtering system that seeks to predict the rating or preference that a user would give to a target item. In this course, we will cover non-personalized recommender systems, content-based and collaborative techniques. We also cover nearest neighborhood methods and matrix factorization methods. Lastly, we will address the recent advances in recommender systems using deep neural networks.
AIM5025 Intelligent Robot and System 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No