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    Lab 자연어처리연구실


자연어처리(대화시스템, 질의응답시스템 등), 정보검색(생성형 IR 등), 생성형 AI(제어가능한 자연어 생성(Controllable Text Generation-CTG) 등), 언어모델(small Language Model-sLM),  검색증강생성(Retrieval Augmented Generation-RAG), 텍스트마이닝(문서 분류/요약 등)


  • 2022-현재, 성균관대학교 인공지능학과 대학원 학과장
  • 2022-2023, 성균관대학교 데이터사이언스 융합학과 대학원 학과장
  • 2011-2012, 메릴랜드 대학교(College Park, USA), Visiting Scholar
  • 1996-1997, LG-EDS Systems Corp., System Engineer

학술지 논문

  • (2024)  Two-step Masked Language Model for Domain-adapting Multi-modal Task-oriented Dialogue Systems.  IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING.  32, 
  • (2024)  Query-focused summarization with the context-graph information fusion transformer.  EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS.  241, 
  • (2024)  SPACE: Senti-Prompt As Classifying Embedding for sentiment analysis.  PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS.  180, 
  • (2023)  Efficient framework for low-resource abstractive summarization by meta-transfer learning and pointer-generator networks.  EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS.  234, 
  • (2023)  Dicer: Dialogue-Centric Representation for Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue through Contrastive Learning.  PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS.  172, 
  • (2023)  Meta-learning with topic-agnostic representations for zero-shot stance detection.  PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS.  171, 
  • (2023)  Enriching the dialogue state tracking model with a asyntactic discourse graph.  PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS.  169, 
  • (2023)  Graph-based query reformulation system for descriptive queries of jargon words using definitions.  EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS.  214, 
  • (2023)  Knowledge-grounded dialogue modelling with dialogue-state tracking, domain tracking, and entity extraction.  COMPUTER SPEECH AND LANGUAGE.  78, 
  • (2023)  Knowledge graph extension with a pre-trained language model via unified learning method.  KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS.  262, 
  • (2022)  BERT-based response selection in dialogue systems using utterance attention mechanisms.  EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS.  209, 
  • (2022)  Multitask Fine-Tuning for Passage Re-Ranking Using BM25 and Pseudo Relevance Feedback.  IEEE ACCESS.  10, 
  • (2022)  Effective fake news video detection using domain knowledge and multimodal data fusion on youtube.  PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS.  154,  -
  • (2022)  Novel regularization method for the class imbalance problem.  EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS.  188, 
  • (2021)  Effective fake news detection using graph and summarization techniques.  PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS.  151, 
  • (2021)  Using Adversarial Learning and Biterm Topic Model for an Effective Fake News Video Detection System on Heterogeneous Topics and Short Texts.  IEEE ACCESS.  9, 
  • (2021)  MEM-KGC: Masked Entity Model for Knowledge Graph Completion With Pre-Trained Language Model.  IEEE ACCESS.  9, 
  • (2021)  Word sense disambiguation based on context selection using knowledge-based word similarity.  INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT.  58,  4
  • (2021)  Parallel sentence extraction to improve cross-language information retrieval from Wikipedia.  JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE.  47,  2
  • (2020)  Named-Entity Recognition Using Automatic Construction of Training Data From Social Media Messaging Apps.  IEEE ACCESS.  8, 


  • 가짜 뉴스 동영상 탐지 시스템 및 그의 방법.  10-2021-0022638.  20220817.  대한민국
  • 키워드 클러스터링을 이용한 문서 요약 방법 및 장치.  10-2020-0106414.  20220523.  대한민국
  • 자모 및 음절 임베딩 결합을 이용하는 한국어 형태소 분석을 위한 장치 및 방법(System and Method for Korean POS Tagging Using the Concatenation of Jamo and Syllable Embedding).  10-2109-8580000.  20200506.  대한민국
  • 학습 데이터 확장을 통한 딥러닝 기반 인과관계 추출을 위한 장치 및 방법(System and Method for Extracting Deep Learning Based Causal Relation with Expansion of Training Data).  10-2109-8600000.  20200506.  대한민국
  • 합성곱 신경망에 의한 발화 임베딩을 사용한 유사도 측정 기반의 채팅 말뭉치 확장을 위한 장치 및 방법(System and Method for Expansion Chatting Corpus Based on Similarity Measure Using Utterance Embedding by CNN).  10-2109-8660000.  20200506.  대한민국
  • 원격지도(Distant Supervision) 기법을 이용한 개체명 인식 프로그램.  C-2019-043819.  20191230.  대한민국
  • 과학문서의 핵심어구 추출방법 및 장치(keyword extraction method and apparatus for science document).  10-2017-2270000.  20190827.  대한민국
  • 언어 분석기별 정답 레이블 분포를 이용한 자연어 이해 방법(Method for Natural Langage Understanding Based on Distribution of Task-specific Labels).  10-2012-4040000.  20190813.  대한민국


  • Winner (1st place), sub-track #1 and #3 of SIMMC 2.0 in DSTC10, 2021.
  • 논문 공헌상, 한국정보과학회, 2015.


  • (2023)  Topic-Informed Dialogue Summarization using Topic Distribution and Prompt-based Modeling.  Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.  싱가포르
  • (2023)  Contrastively Pretrained Vision-Language Transformers and Domain Adaptation Methods for Multimodal TOD Systems.  Proceedings of the DSTC11 Workshop in the 24th Annual Meeting on the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue.  체코
  • (2023)  Statistical and Generative Models with Subtitle Extraction for Next Product Title Generation.  Proceedings of the KDD Cup 2023 Workshop in the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.  미국
  • (2023)  Never Too Late to Learn: Regularizing Gender Bias in Coreference Resolution.  ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining.  싱가포르
  • (2022)  Lightweight Meta-Learning for Low-Resource Abstractive Summarization.  ACM SIGIR Conference on Information Retrieval.  스페인
  • (2022)  QSG Transformer: Transformer with Query-Attentive Semantic Graph for Query-Focused Summarization.  ACM SIGIR Conference on Information Retrieval.  스페인
  • (2022)  Domain Adaptive Task-Oriented Dialog System for Deep Understanding of Multimodal Conversation.  The DSTC10 Workshop in the Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2022).  미국
  • (2022)  Adapting Pre-trained Language Model for Dialogue State Tracking on Spoken Conversations.  The DSTC10 Workshop in the Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2022).  미국
  • (2022)  Various Uses of Pre-trained Language Model for a Knowledge-grounded Task Oriented Dialogue System.  The DSTC10 Workshop in the Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2022).  미국
  • (2021)  Query Reformulation for Descriptive Queries of JargonWords Using a Knowledge Graph based on a Dictionary.  ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management.  오스트레일리아
  • (2021)  Self-Supervised Learning based on Sentiment Analysis withWordWeight Calculation.  ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management.  오스트레일리아
  • (2021)  Self-supervised Fine-tuning for Efficient Passage Re-ranking.  ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management.  오스트레일리아
  • (2021)  Using Topic Modeling and Adversarial Neural Networks for Fake News Video Detection.  ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management.  오스트레일리아
  • (2021)  Fine-grained Post-training for Improving Retrieval-based Dialogue Systems.  Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies.  멕시코
  • (2021)  Graph-based Fake News Detection using a Summarization Technique.  European Association for Computational Linguistics.  우크라이나
  • (2021)  Improving Multimodal API Prediction via Adding Dialog State and Various Multimodal Gates.  DSTC9 Workshop, AAAI-21.  미국
  • (2021)  TOM : End-to-End Task-Oriented Multimodal Dialog System with GPT-2.  DSTC9 Workshop, AAAI-21.  미국
  • (2021)  Commonsense Knowledge Augmentation for Low-Resource Languages via Adversarial Learning.  AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.  미국
  • (2020)  Multi-Task Learning for Knowledge Graph Completion with Pre-trained Language Models.  International Conference on Computational Linguistics.  스페인